
15.8 C
joi, 19 septembrie 2024

Ambasada României în Statele Unite ale Americii / Romanian Embassy to US : The26th Edition of the Romanian Festival in Lakewood, Colorado

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#WeRecommend: The26th Edition of the Romanian Festival in Lakewood, Colorado, hosted by RAFA – Romanian American Freedom Alliance on September 21, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Belmar Plaza (439 S Teller St, Lakewood, CO 80226)
This year’s festival promises great experience filled with vibrant Romanian culture, delicious traditional food and incredible artists: Andreea Rebăltescu, Zoe Aqua, Dance Group BalkanikaFolk, Gaitani, Hora Românească & Formația Frecvențe. Immerse yourself in our vibrant culture through music, dance, art vendors, books, and more. Admission is free.

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